Beer and Theology London

by Graham Kings

Date added: 12/12/2020

In 2016, I founded the informal, monthly, Friday seminar 'Beer and Theology' (@BeerandTheology) at the Angel Pub, Rotherhithe, near Bermondsey, on the south bank of the River Thames, London.

Two items on the agenda: drink beer (or another preference); discuss theology.

It meets on Fridays, 6.30-8.00pm.

Opposite, on north bank of the Thames, the Centre for Theology and Community and the Hurtado Jesuit Centre, joined Fulcrum in co-sponsoring it.

Since 2020, it has been organised by Guido de Graaff, Julie Gittoes and Deborah Halling. It is open to all. Just turn up.


The list of dates, speakers and subjects is here.


Graham Kings

Graham Kings

Wood panel

Wood panel


A bronze